Scape Swanston
Murals, 2018.
David Booth and I collaborated with Scape Student Accommodation Australia, taking on the role of creative curators for the new space on Swanston Street, Melbourne. Our first project featured murals in the communal living spaces by David, and I transformed the ground floor lift lobby with a colourful, abstracted streetscape.
Ground floor lift lobby by Carla McRae, in-progress / photo: On Jackson Street
Ground floor lift lobby by Carla McRae, in-progress detail / photo: On Jackson Street
Ground floor lift lobby by Carla McRae / photo: On Jackson Street
Ground floor lift lobby by Carla McRae / photo: On Jackson Street
Communal living spaces level 1 by David Booth, in-progress / photo: On Jackson Street
Communal living spaces level 1 by David Booth / photo: On Jackson Street
Communal living spaces level 1 by David Booth / photo: On Jackson Street
Q&A session with David Booth and Carla McRae / photo: On Jackson Street
Portrait of David Booth with his artwork / photo: On Jackson Street
Portrait of Carla McRae with her artwork / photo: On Jackson Street
Carla McRae & David Booth at Scape Swanston from Tatanja Ross on Vimeo.